Table of Contents
Japanese Law: Legal Resource Guides
- Japanese Law from Tohoku University
- Japan Page of FindLaw, one of the most comprehensive legal resource guides
- JapaneseLaw and Regulation Information Guide from the Stanford University
- Japan Page of the U.S.House of Representatives Internet Law Library
- A Guide to Japanese Law in English.
- ForInt-Law from the Washburn University
- Japan IP Resources patents, trademarks, designs and copyrights in Japan (English language)
- Law and Politics Internet Guide including information on laws of various countries
- Japanese Law Connection
- Country Page from Axel Tschentscher and the University of Hamburg ( CornellMirror )
- Japanese Prime Minister’s Page– Japanese and English
- DaiNi TokyoBar Association
- Japan Federation of Bar Associations(in Japanese only)
- Internet Lawyers Conference(in Japanese only)
- Electronic Commerce Promotion Council
- CopyrightResearch and Information Center
- Supreme Court ofJapan including recent cases and summaries of the judicial system and court proceedings
- The Ministry of Justice (in Japanese only)
- The Ministry of Finance
- The Ministry of InternationalTrade and Industry
- The Japanese Patent Office
- Fair Trade Commission of Japan
General Information
- The Mainichi Newspaper
- Nihon Keizai Shinbun
- Kyodo News
- The Japan Times Online
- CIAFactbook Entry – Statistics and Demographics
- Japan Company Record financial data of companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- Yahoo! CountryLinks
Legal Documents
- Honko consisting of statutes(in Japanese only)
- CyberStation of Law including statutes, cases, agreement forms, etc.(in Japanese only)
- Japanese Statutesconsisting of statutes (in Japanese only)
- Statutory Provisions consisting of statutes (in Japanese only)
- Japan LawBaseincluding translated statutes, regulations, etc.